Exciting Emails: The Podcast

Exciting Emails: The Podcast

How did I become a full-time blogger? And just how did I manage to leave a professional career as a primary school teacher to tit about on the internet from my joggers all day long? Moreover, how can I help you do the EXACT SAME THING? Welcome to Exciting Emails: The Podcast where I will be answering ALL of those questions, plus any others you have on turning your online platforms into the best job in the world. Week after week, host Vix Meldrew (hi, me) brings you lessons, discussions and expert advice (from actual experts) on everything from starting your blog, smashing your branding, growing your following, MAKING MONEY and everything inbetween. Along with sharing my best kept secrets, I'll be bringing you input from the industry experts on things like designing your blog, SEO, Instagram and more! So are you ready to dive in? To join this rapidly growing community of people who'd love to leave the 9-5 and start their own blogging businesses? Because I got you...