Let me bore you to sleep - Jason Newland

Let me bore you to sleep - Jason Newland

www.jasonnewland.com/ Let me bore you to sleep - Jason Newland's FREE Boredom Service My name is Ja…

www.jasonnewland.com/ Let me bore you to sleep - Jason Newland's FREE Boredom Service My name is Jason Newland. I have been making Free Hypnosis videos and mp3 downloads, online, since 2006. These "Let me bore you to sleep", mp3 downloads are basically me, just talking for about an hour. Some of the sleep recordings are focused on guiding you into a state of increased tiredness. A lot of them consist of me, just talking, on and on and on, about nothing particularly important. I use my Superpower of being the most boring man in the world, to heal insomnia. My only intention with this podcast, is to bore you into a relaxed and comfortable state of mind. I won't only bore your mind into slowing down and drifting off. I will also bore all the muscles in your body into an incredibly pleasurable sense of safety and serenity. This full body and mind relaxation and slowing down, will naturally lead to a very gentle sleepiness. I have been making sleep hypnosis videos and… Provided by Spreaker.